The island of Djerba calm and beauty of nature
Even the beginnings of the past fifty beaches this mean in the short periods of the year and through some rituals Kzaarh saints who are on the coasts. Residents of the island did not have a maritime activity entertaining. But since the pilot fought by the hotel chain "Club Med" seemed tourist activity highlights Jerba slowly. And the founder of the club has focused Jerba in 1954 a small tourist village of summer cottages on the shores of the sea, saying Djerba "Tayita Minor." After this experience after another tourist structures and Trast on the coast of the island. The first inn was the "island" founding in 1961, just ten kilometers east of the cut-throat market and we find down beside him, "Ulysse Palace" founding in 1964 by the public sector. And from the door of encouragement and payment for investment in the field of tourism, opened the Tunisian state field for the private sector to become a day tourist area of Djerba stretches more than 20 kilometers between Agger south and cut-throat market Bachammal.taqh absorptive hotel of the island evolved from 8300 beds in 1975 to 39,000 beds in 2002 .
Djerba island rich in various landscapes and the diversity of its prospects. Marine horizon which integrates tourism and part of the traditional activity around the port is characterized by cut-throat market for internal horizon which provides luxuries and other services to the tourism sector. And represents a cut-throat market Bmtarha Download it and at the same time the old center and talk to the island and is containing most of the services, especially at the level of the administrative state. And the other hand is characterized by Meudon sectoral functions related to tourism development. Agim remained maintain its role as a place of transit within the country from the traditional to the island and is still today to rely on the traditional activities associated with marine fishing. But, since the year 2006 and with the opening of the recreation center and activation your "burden", began to live a new economic turn to tourism you find different pillars in the project sent a tourist area Bajame.
Thus, it seems to us clearly how the features of the island has changed a lot since 1960 with the concentration of the tourist area and expansion of the airport and residential areas and exposing roads and currently abounds field stations island tourist, cultural and recreational service for tourists of different affiliations.